Our Vision & Mission


To be the first team in Australia and internationally demonstrating a fully-functional trusted autonomous system with cooperative, seamless, symbiotic, and organic team of humans and machines to solve complex problems in an uncontrolled real-world uncertainty-rich environment 


To create a trusted, cooperative, seamless, symbiotic, and organic team of humans and machines to solve complex problems in an uncontrolled real-world uncertainty-rich environment.


Trusted  Acceptance of risk in human delegation to other humans or machines
Cooperative  Autonomous association of humans and machines
Seamless  Fluid, continuous and smooth relationship among humans and machines
Symbiotic  Complementarity and natural division of labour among humans and machines
Organic  Self-X [organisation, healing, protection, etc]
Complex problem Problem with conflicting objectives, non-linear interdependencies, dynamics and high uncertainty
Uncontrolled environment In-situ operations
Uncertainty-rich environment Sustainment of operations under severe and unanticipated conditions