Data & Decision Analytics 2015 Workshop

Data Science and Decision Analytics Workshop

5 November 2015

UNSW-Canberra, Australia



The Data Science and Decision Analytics Workshop (DSDA) is jointly organized by the ACT Chapter of the Australian Society for Operations Research (ASOR-ACT) and the Canberra Data Scientists Group. The workshop intends to offer an overview of data and decision analytics activities within, or relevant to, the ACT. This is going to be an educational day for attendees to find out the challenges facing the data science and decision analytics community of today and tomorrow, and learn from the latest decision analytics research outcomes in academia and the recent data science use cases in industry and government.


09:00-09:05 Housekeeping
09:05-09:15 TBD TBD Welcome
09:15-10:00 Dr Todd Mansell DST Group Opening Keynote Address
10:00-10:45 Prof. Albert Y. Zomaya University of Sydney Resource Management Challenges in the Clouds and Big Data Era
10:45-11:00 Morning Coffee
11:00-11:30 Dr. Warwick Graco Whole of Government Centre of Excellence on Analytics Future Directions with the Whole of Government Data Analytics Centre of Excellence
11:30-12:15 Prof. Geoff Webb Monash University Deep Broad Learning - Big Models for Big Data
12:15-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:30 Dr. Sanjay Mazumdar Data to Decisions CRC Overview and Challenges - Data to Decisions CRC
13:30-14:15 A/Prof. Peter Christen Australian National University Big Data Integration: Challenges and Opportunities
14:15-14:30 Afternoon Coffee
14:30-15:00 Dr. Kamran Shafi UNSW-Canberra Tutorial on Learning Classifier Systems
15:00-15:30 Dr. Sreenatha Anavatti UNSW-Canberra Tutorial on Fuzzy Logic
15:30-16:00 Dr. Kathryn Merrick UNSW-Canberra Tutorial on Computaional Motivation for Strategic Decision Making
16:45-17:00 Closing Remarks



Registration is free of charge. However, registration is mandatory for attendance and only those whom registrations have been accepted, will be allowed to attend because of limited spaces. It is imperative to register by sending the registration form to the registration chair: Dr. George Leu at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


For more information on the workshop, email the UNSW-Canberra Trusted Autonomy Group Coordinator - Dr. Kathryn Merrick at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.